Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Texas Doctors Lead Open-Notes Movement

Following a visit to your doctor, have you ever been:
- curious about what your doctor wrote in your file?
- unsure about what the doctor said?
- confused by medication instructions or anatomy terms you didn't immediately understand?

If so, raise your hand. You can't see me, but my hand is raised.

I was honored a few weeks ago when the Houston Chronicle contacted me and asked if I'd like to be interviewed for an article on MD Anderson Cancer Center's system which allows patients to access their own medical records. A Houston Chronicle reporter, Todd Ackerman, talked with me for about 30 minutes. Last week on January 17 2012, the article was published in the front section (page 6) of the Houston Chronicle. Yes, that's me in the picture. I'm pretty sure the photographer got my "good" side.

I won't repeat the article's contents, but the gist is that open medical records can reduce patient anxiety, improve patient/doctor communication, and save time. Here's a link to the article.




Angelina02 said...

Research on CoQ10's potential as a cancer treatment has been ongoing since the early 1960s, when it was first observed that patients with some types of cancer typically had low blood levels of the coenzyme. Low levels are associated with cancers of the breast, lung, prostate, pancreas, colon, kidney, and head/neck.

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Noah Berkowitz said...

Such a catchy post! I like your opinion.