Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Very Quick Update

This chemo round is going better than the first round. I've been ill a few times, but the illness has been short lived due to better living through chemistry. I'm still a bit fatigued and am therefore not working out. I hope to begin my workouts again within the next few days.

For those of you that follow Leroy Sievers and his cancer journey blog on the NPR website, he's not doing well. See post from January 9 2008. Also, a post a few days ago on his blog talks about the passing away of Stephanie Dornbrook. I believe, but am not sure, that she was featured with Leroy in the Ted Koppel Living with Cancer special last May. She wrote a short farewell and some advice to all. As was her style, she was short and to the point. She used three words and said, "goodbye....forgive everything." These are wise words, but her passing away is a grim reminder of this disease.

Someone posted a comment on my last blog. If interested, please e-mail me. My e-mail address is in my profile on the blog.

Take care everyone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am very glad to hear this round is going better. Also wanted you to know I am thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers!
